


Kayla Whitehead and Makayla 帕尔默 didn’t think they would have an opportunity to live out their dreams of studying abroad. Whitehead only had two and a half years of college to include studying abroad in her education and 帕尔默 had already been let down due to COVID-19 为 a past trip abroad. These two students not only went abroad but were able to earn honors credits through projects that let them deepen their connection to their host countries.



Whitehead traveled to Harlaxton, England, and 帕尔默 to Limerick, 爱尔兰. They were nervous about traveling to a new country by themselves but agreed they would go back to their host countries in an instant.

帕尔默 went to the University of Limerick in 爱尔兰 with a major in actuarial science and a minor in theatre arts. COVID-19 disrupted her high school choir tour during spring break to Austria and the Czech Republic. She always wanted to study abroad and knew she would never have this opportunity again.

帕尔默 felt the best way to experience a new culture was to immerse herself. 她知道爱尔兰和威斯康辛州是不一样的, but she felt 爱尔兰 was the right choice because she didn’t need to learn a 为eign language and could communicate easily.

Whitehead has a major in communications sciences and disorders and a certificate in child welfare. Whitehead loves traveling, so studying abroad has always been a goal of hers. Because she’s graduating from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 in 2 and a half years, she did not think she’d be able to go. That was until she discovered Harlaxton had a summer program where she could also earn honors credit.

She’s always found England’s history fascinating and remembered thinking, “I get to live in a castle! 我必须!”


Being able to complete honors projects abroad kept both 帕尔默 and Whitehead on track 为 graduation. Their projects connected to their passions, both coincidentally involving music.

帕尔默, 谁从小就喜欢音乐剧, was cast in a musical through the Musical Theatre Society at the University of Limerick and decided to write a journal about her experience in the show as her honors project. She used the journal to reflect about the experience and how her thinking about acting, 爱尔兰, 以前的变化更大, 在, 音乐剧结束后.

怀特黑德在哈里克斯顿期间完成了两个荣誉项目. The first was an extra research project outside of her British studies literary perspectives class that looked into how speech-language pathology related to British literature. 她的第二个项目是泰勒·斯威夫特. This project consisted of Whitehead taking pictures of things around the manor she lived in, 找到一首适合这个物体/图片的泰勒·斯威夫特的歌, and then relating it to a poem from the English Romantic period.

Reflecting on the joy she felt in the musical and journaling 为 her honors project, 帕尔默 claimed: “With study abroad… if you had something you were passionate about, 你可以找到一个符合你激情的荣誉项目.”

The honors projects 帕尔默 and Whitehead finished abroad allowed them to dive deeper into what they were passionate about and earn credits 为 it.


帕尔默 and Whitehead both had life-changing experiences while abroad. They came home with new perspectives on the world and what they believe is possible 为 themselves.

帕尔默’s best times abroad were spent traveling to other places. There were weekend trips to iconic places in 爱尔兰 like the Cliffs of Moher and the Ring of Kerry. She also got to explore places outside of 爱尔兰, such as Germany, Croatia, and Belgium.

她明白了“外面的世界很广阔.” And that after living her whole life in the Midwest “when you go abroad, it’s like wow... and there is so much more culture and people, and there’s just so much more out there.”

Whitehead thinks everyone should study abroad if they have the chance. Although it was nerve-wracking to go, she would go back 为 a semester or a year in a heartbeat. Her advice to anyone studying abroad or thinking about it is to “believe in yourself, 你可以做困难的事情.和“不要害怕不舒服。.”

A favorite take away from Whitehead’s time in Harlaxton was that she “Got to make lifelong friends and live with them in a castle,她接着说, “我现在基本上是个公主了!”


These two students got to go abroad when they didn’t think they’d have the chance. 尽管障碍重重, they were able to have once-in-a-lifetime experiences they would recommend to anyone. They were able to stay on course to graduate with the honors projects they completed, 增添了他们的经历和美好的回忆.
